Miami Named Leeeague! XXI Draft City
Miami will join Las Vegas, Nashville and Chicago as the 4th city to host The Leeeague! draft this August.
Miami also became the new Leeeague! headquarters earlier this year as The Commish packed his bags and set up shop in South Beach.
Draft weekend will kick off on Friday, August 23rd with The Leeeague! XXI Draft scheduled for Friday Evening.
The schedule is still taking shape, but notable additions may include a Cubs/Marlins game, trip to see the GOAT Lionel Messi, beaches, pools, casinos and of course, BLLs.
It is unconfirmed if fellow Miami enthusiast Carmen will attend, but if he does, will also help with trip planning.
Friday, August 23rd
Daytime: Fontainebleau Pool, Beach & BLLs
7pm: The Leeeague! XXI Draft
9pm: Dinner Rezzys
Night: Party Time
Saturday, August 24th
Daytime: Fontainebleau Pool, Beach & BLLs
730pm: FC Cincy @ Inter Miami FC
Sunday, August 25th
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