Heavy Favorite
B Scott comes into the season as the heavy favorite to win it all. And rightfully so.
His draft picks are stacked. Like really really stacked. B is coming into draft day with 2 second round picks, 3 fourth round picks and 2 fifth round picks. He will be selecting 9 players within the first 5 rounds. He can have his entire starting roster in place if he so chooses while four other teams will only be on their third picks. Disgusting.
Pick 1 | Pick 2 | PIck 3 | Pick 4 | Pick 5 | Pick 6 | Pick 7 | Pick 8 | Pick 9 | Pick 10 | Pick 11 | Pick 12 | Pick 13 | Pick 14 | Pick 15 | Pick 16 |
1st Round | 2nd Round | 2nd Round | 3rd Round | 4th Round | 4th Round | 4th Round | 5th Round | 5th Round | 10th Round | 11th Round | 12th Round | 13th Round | 14th Round | 15th Round | 16th Round |
B Scott’s 2020 draft picks
We have seen a few managers come into draft day almost as stacked as B will this year, and their outcomes bode well for what B can look forward to in 2020. Hans did it in 2016, coming into draft day with 3 second round picks. Smitty did it in 2019 with 3 second round picks and 2 fourth round picks. Both of them went on to win Best Draft, took home three weekly high points, and made the playoffs.
This won’t be the first time B Scott has stocked up on draft picks for himself. In the first year that trading picks was introduced in The League!, B Scott took full advantage of it. He went into the 2015 draft with 2 third round picks, 2 fourth round picks, and 2 fifth round picks. That season ended with a 2nd place finish, losing out to Egon in one of the lowest scoring championships in League! history.
To make matters worse for The League! and a whole lot better for B Scott, he might have the most cupcake schedule out of anyone this season. B will be taking on Tony and Cox 4 times in 13 weeks. They are the two worst managers when it comes to winning, both sitting well below the .500 mark. All time, B Scott has beaten up on them pretty good too. He is a combined 18-7-0 against Tony and Cox, beating them both 9 times.
If there was ever going to be a year with a perfect season, this could be it. B Scott was the closest manager to pulling off the perfect season back in 2009, going 11-2-0 and winning out in the playoffs to take home the bobblehead that year. With everything stacking up the way it is, we could very well see history unfold this Fall.
Draft Day will determine a lot for B Scott’s 2020 future, but it will be hard to mess up given the amount of times he will be drafting early. A +170 favorite, all signs point to B winning his league crushing 4th bobblehead later this year.