The Best (and Worst) Draft Positions to go with on Draft Day
The #1 draft spot is typically known as the top dog of draft picks. In a normal world, maybe that makes sense. But in a league where managers have to pick their draft positions after a cut throat double elimination 12 men enter 1 man leave dice tourney, is the #1 spot where you want to be? If we want to use The League! history book as a guide, here are its crib notes.
The Spots to Win it All:
10, 11, 12
If you’re into winning money and getting your face made into a bobblehead, then the back end of the draft is the place to be.
Managers that have drafted from the 10, 11 or 12 spots have won The League! every year since 2016. Collectively the 10, 11 and 12 spots have brought home 44% of all League! bobbleheads, with the #10 spot owning the top spot with 4 League! championships.
The “I’m More of a Relegation Bowl Kind of Guy” Spots:
1, 2, 4
If you want a year off, drafting early might be for you. Managers drafting from the 1, 2 or 4 spot have been relegated 70% of the time. Tread lightly.
The Kiss of Death Spot:
If you really want a year off, take the 4 spot. Not only has the #4 spot never won anyone a bobblehead, it has also relegated 40% of people drafting from it. If you hate money and love your couch, this is where you want to be.
The Mr. Irrelevant Spot:
Captain Boring of League! draft positions, no one has ever won or been relegated from the #8 spot. If you are looking for a safe, boring play, the 8 spot is all you.
The Wild Card Spot:
It’s won a couple bobbleheads. It’s also lost a Relegation Bowl. It’s going to depend which way the wind is blowing when drafting from this spot.
The Rest of the Pack:
There isn’t a lot to say about these spots, good or bad. None of them have resulted in Relegation, but other than the #5 spot winning a couple championships, the rest of the story for these spots is kind of a snoozefest.