Down Goes Biscuit 

Relegation was something Da Biscuit never saw in his future. He had always been one of The League!’s top contenders. Finishing in last place was a laughable thought to him, until he quickly lost the reigns of his 2019 season.

You can track where it all went wrong back to moments just before the 2017 draft on the deck of Tootsies in Nashville, TN. Trade talks were in the air and BLLs were flowing. With a fresh BLL in hand and draft time slowly approaching, Reichert decided it was time to take 2017 by the horns.

“TRADE ALERT: Reichert trades 2018 1st round pick and 2019 2nd round pick FOR Herriott’s 2017 2nd and 4th round picks.” Met with Hans asking for someone to make a snack run and Egon saying he was hitting Broadway street instead of drafting, Reichert knew he had made the right move. However little did he know, that was the beginning of the end of his 2019 season.


At the time, the move felt obvious. Reichert was coming into the 2017 season without some of his early round picks. He was ready to do anything to get back on track, and this trade felt like it was his way out.

Fast forward 2 years later to 2019, when the dust was finally settling from that terrible Nashville trade. Drew Brees went down in one of the first weeks of the season, and Reichert was in panic mode. He decided to hit the trade market and got B Scott’s 1st round pick for 2020, settling on making 2019 a rebuilding year and planned on coming back the odd’s on favorite to win ti all in 2020. #fail.

Da Biscuit’s team was worse off than he thought as he went on to swiftly punch his ticket to the Relegation Bowl, losing in the Championship to his long time Hypnotist nemesis