The Invention of Relegation

He didn’t invent the piano key neck tie. That was Mugatu. He did invent the second greatest thing in history though…relegation.

Sure, the idea of relegation has been around for a while.  The handful of people in the world that were actually watching futbol in 2010 knew about this concept. But not like this, and surely not in fantasy football leagues around the world. Our generation had Facebook. Older people had the automobile. For the League!, the once in a lifetime billion dollar idea was Relegation.

But how did we get here? How did Carmen come up with such a League! altering idea? Where did the inspiration come from? Would you believe me if I told you it took a long lost pledge brother “incorrectly” booking a flight on the wrong weekend to get us here?

There was a lot of turmoil in The League! in 2010. He whose name we do not say had just gotten banned for life and Cox was taking a year off to collect his thoughts. New worthy managers to fill the voids in The League! were proving harder and harder to come by. After weighing all the options it was decided that Smitty and Hadley were capable of filling those voids. Finally, The League! was whole again, until Hadley blind sided everyone with a “booking the wrong flight excuse” to wiggle his way out of the Vegas trip. Carmen had heard enough.

In an email dated August 11, 2010, 11:08am CST, in response to Hadley booking the wrong flight and no longer coming to Vegas:

Booking the wrong flight? This sounds all made up. Hopefully I dont show up in Vegas wearing a dress because I bought the wrong clothes at the mall. Life is hard.

In any event, I seek to make a proposal to the amendments of this Leagues Constitution. Generally I like to skirt the principles of Democracy, but would certainly entertain a vote if no dissent.

*That the LEAGUE’S bottom player, last place, at the end of the year, is not invited back for the upcoming year. *

Now that person would certainly have the opportunity to come back after a year-reprieve. Or, if the LEAGUE committee fails to find an alternative than as a last resort the last-place-loser would be asked to come back. **Obviously it is always encouraged to come to Vegas for the DRAFT and be involved in our experiences - hoping that this group grows in numbers every year.

This makes it sooooo exciting for, not only the race to be pitted CHAMPEEEEN, but also the race not to be OUSTED!

Any objections? If so I will be campaigning hard and invoking politics and put it to a vote prior the draft. I would appreciate the consideration in not having to do this.

And no, this isnt a ploy in hopes that Reichert gets in last place so I never have to see him again!
— Carmen

The idea of relegation wasn’t received with open arms at first. Some managers, including the commissioner, wanted to keep The League! a peaceful place where all were welcome regardless of their performance on the field. Thankfully the idea of relegation gained enough traction to get passed and voted into the 2010 season and has changed the shape of The League! ever since.

The ironic part? Mr. Relegation himself was the first person to get relegated.