2023 Draft Board

SweetsCarmenEgonBilly!ReichertHerriottSmittyCoxMoellerHansB ScottTony
111111122 (Hans)133
1 (Moeller)1 (B Scott)1 (Cox)2 (Grabs)*22253445
1 (Tony from Moeller)22333563 (Hans)556
22 (B Scott)3444673 (Cox)65 (Carmen)6 (Grabs)*
2 (Billy)33 (Smitty)4 (Cox)556 (Egon)7 (Grabs from Billy)*4767
3444 (Smitty)6677 (Egon)586 (Carmen)8
4755778869 (Moeller)78 (Moeller)
5886889979 (Sweets from Moeller)98 (Billy from Grabs)
6997999 (Billy)108 (Sweets)99 (Grabs)*9
1010107 (Sweets)10101010 (Moeller)8 (Grabs)*101010

*Grabs’ Trade Outcomes

Billy will retain his 10th round pick. He will be skipped in the 10th round and draft at his normal drafting position in the 2nd round.
Tony will retain his 2nd round pick. He will be skipped in the 2nd round and draft back to back in the 6th round.
Moeller will retain his 2nd round pick. He will be skipped in the 2nd round and draft at his normal drafting postion in the 8th round.
B Scott will retain his 8th round pick. He will be skipped in the 8th round and draft back to back in the 9th round.
Cox will receive Tony’s 4th round pick. He will be skipped in the 4th round and draft back to back in the 7th round.