Classic Mix Up

His bags were packed and he was ready to go. Only problem was a little mix up that forced him to miss his flight and ultimately the 2008 season

2008 was looking to be a promising year for Sweets. Still fresh to The League!, he was coming into 2008 on his second season. In his first year, he finished in a respectable 6th place in the regular season. He struggled in the consolation playoffs, going 0-2 and putting up a combined 157.18 points in 2 playoff games. There was room for improvement, and Sweets was ready to take his team to the next level.

Always a Vegas stapple, Sweets was more ready than ever to make the trip. He was a late addition to the League! in 2007 and drafted remotely from home with Tony. This was going to be both of their first Vegas League! trips and they booked their own party plane in solidarity.

The Chicago league members were so excited they decided they couldn’t wait until Friday morning to get the party started and organized an impromptu bonus night of partying at Kendall’s. All of The League! members that were living in Chicago were in attendance. Thursday night $1 bottles were flowing and the Vegas weekend had unofficially begun. Stories were being told of all the money that was going to be won and all the bottles that would be bought. The party lasted longer than it probably should have, but everyone made their way home ready for the real party to get started the next morning.

You would think that a story with this kind of start would finish with a classic hangover and an alarm sleep through. In this instance, you would be wrong. Sweets and Tony were up and ready to get the real party started.

Strutting through O’Hare airport with some extra pep in their step, they approached the American Airlines ticket counter ready to check in. There was only one problem. Their flight was not taking off Friday morning. It had already taken off Thursday night. It was not the snooze or the separate knob for the volume like the one that got Jean Paul. Sweets and Tony got got by the classic AM/PM mix up.

There were now two options. Go home with their tail between their legs with the biggest case of fomo ever, or pull the ultimate power move and buy new flights on the next flight out of Chicago. Being the suizo that he is, Sweets decided to throw down whatever it would cost them to get to Vegas as soon as possible. He and Tony were on the next flight out and all was right with the world again.

Unfortunately that year the commissioner had booked a reservation to hold The League!’s fantasy football draft at a shady bar off the Las Vegas strip. For the first and only year ever, the draft could not be pushed back or rescheduled. As the clock ticked down and draft time approached, Sweets and Tony were still airborn. The draft was about to begin and their teams were unfortunately going to have to sit out the 2008 season.

The silver lining playbook? Sweets and Tony did eventually make it to Vegas and ended up winning all da mahney. Sweets came back to both Vegas and The League! strong, making the playoffs the next four years in a row.